
He (She) who dares to teach must never cease to learn- Anonymous

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Portfolio~Final Thoughts

The portfolio was an excellent way to integrate all of the different technologies that we studied throughout the course.  I found Webs.com to be a very user-friendly website.  I did try to use the "Wix" website first, but it was cumbersome and difficult to navigate.  I am currently completing a field experience in a school that lacks technology.  The only technology tool in the classroom is an overhead projector.  Hopefully the next school that I am in will have some updated technology where I can use some of the excellent skills that I have learned through this course.  In my last field experience, I did use my interactive Powerpoint with the 4th grade students and they loved it.  I wish you good luck in the future!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Power Point Project

When I started this class, I thought that I had a pretty good understanding of Powerpoint.  Once I started the Powerpoint assignment, I realized that there were many tools and functions in Powerpoint that I did not know existed.  I did not know that you could create links to the different pages and that you could animate the objects through the Powerpoint program (of course my 6th grade daughter knows how to do this!)  Even though it was a lengthy assignment, I really enjoyed creating the interactive Powerpoint.  I had my daughters try the Powerpoint and they loved it.  I am still a child at heart so I like to create things that will grab the students' imaginations and make them laugh. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Creating the newsletter was time consuming but very beneficial.  The newsletter is a great tool for communicating with students and/or parents.  It would be a nice way to introduce my classroom and the curriculum to the students at the beginning of the school year.  There are so many creative tools that you can use to capture the attention of your audience.  Creating the newsletter took me a little longer than I had anticipated as the "columns feature" in Word was new to me.  This lesson definitely helped me in becoming more comfortable with Word documents.